Vessel arriving

Here you get an overview of vessels that have arrived or will arrive the Port of Drammen.

Vessel nameNationalityExpected arrivalQuayFrom portTo portStatus
EvitaPORTUGAL 31.03.2025 00:19TømmerterminalenSchiedamRaumaArrived
Length: 108.15m
Width: 18.2m
Gross tonnage: 5599
IMO: 9381433
Call Sign: CQBA
Vessel type: Stykkgodsskip
CANOLENORWAY31.03.2025 06:00TBAOsloTBAExpected
Length: 49.7m
Width: 10.09m
Gross tonnage: 712
IMO: 7332787
Call Sign: JXKG
Vessel type: Bulkskip
AlandMALTA (Including Gozo and Comino)31.03.2025 07:00TømmerterminalenHullTBAExpected
Length: 99.84m
Width: 15.6m
Flag: MALTA (Including Gozo and Comino)
Gross tonnage: 3308
IMO: 9487380
Call Sign: 9HA4298
Vessel type: Andre tankskip
Hagland PremierNORWAY31.03.2025 08:00TømmerterminalenLangøyaTBAExpected
Length: 86.93m
Width: 15m
Gross tonnage: 3052
IMO: 9964077
Call Sign: LAUB8
Vessel type: Stykkgodsskip
CEMCOMMANDERCYPRUS01.04.2025 13:30SlemmestadOsloTBAExpected
Length: 113.4m
Width: 15.4m
Gross tonnage: 4322
IMO: 9975753
Call Sign: 5BHK6
Vessel type: Kombinasjonsbulkskip
Bianca RambowGERMANY (Including the island of Helgoland, excluding the territory of Büsingen)02.04.2025 23:20KattegatOsloLarvikExpected
Length: 134.44m
Width: 22.5m
Flag: GERMANY (Including the island of Helgoland, excluding the territory of Büsingen)
Gross tonnage: 9981
IMO: 9297591
Call Sign: DIFT
Vessel type: Containerskip